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Now let’s get you set up with a business coach.

Tell Us More About Your Business

In order to match you with the perfect business coach, we need to learn a little bit more about your business and your goals.

Once you complete the short business questionnaire you will be taken to a calendar where you will schedule your first business coaching session.

We look forward to helping you get your business to the next level!

1. Which Statement best describes your CURRENT Business*?
2. What is your business's annual gross sales revenue*?
3. How long has your business been in operation*?
4. Including yourself, how many full time people work for your business*?
5. What is the single greatest business challenge that your business is currently facing*?
6. How did you first hear about Maui Mastermind?
7. Every business has one key factor that more than any other limits the growth of the business. In your practice, what (or who) is the single biggest limiting factor in your business's growth and success*?
Pick ONE general area from the list then describe it below.
8. Please describe in detail this key limiting factor*:
9. What is your current exit strategy for your business*?
10. Based on your business as it stands today, which of the following would most help you achieve your business goals*?
How did you hear about us?*