The Maui Leadership Program
What limits most companies is not the lack of opportunity, but rather the lack of leadership attention to lead their staff to seize those opportunities and execute. The MLP is your “plug and play” leadership accelerator to help you and your key staff rapidly become skilled leaders who consistently bring out the best in your team. The program works by getting you and your key leaders doing, practicing, and applying key leadership skills and
capabilities, not in some artificial “academic” setting, but rather we’ll guide you to overlay these skills and practice them right in the day-to-day flow of your current work. This not only makes the program hyper relevant, but also incredibly efficient. Everything you do for the program will literally map directly onto what you do in your role for your company. Think of the MLP as your “Masters in Leadership Program” – for you and your key staff
The Leadership Matrix™
From our work over the past 23 years coaching thousands of small and midsized business owners in our various programs, we’ve distilled the skill of “leadership” into 12 component parts – six hard skills and six soft skills. We call these building blocks of all effective leaders “The Leadership Matrix”.
To be a great leader requires you to master all six mechanical skills of managing others, but more importantly, also requires you to master all six of the softer “emotional intelligence” components of leadership.
For you to be the leader you want to be, and for your staff to become the managers and leaders you want them to be, you must master both the technical mechanics of the “hard” skills, and refine the emotional artistry of the softer skills.
This is exactly what we designed the MLP to be – the 36-month leadership development program you need to master both sides of the leadership equation.
The 6 Technical Components of Leadership
- Delegation and Accountability: How to hand off responsibilities and see that they get done.
- Strategic Planning and Decision Making: Reading the world and allocating your resources to accomplish your defined objectives.
- Coordination of Efforts: Deploying your staff, running effective meetings, and internally communicating to minimize wasted efforts and maximize company results.
- HR Compliance: The legalities of managing employees and mitigating risks.
- Recruiting, Onboarding, and Training: Assembling the right team and retaining that team over time.
- Process Optimization and Strategic Depth: The systematization and refinement of those internal systems to get great work done.
The 6 Emotional Intelligence Components of Leadership
- Team Building: Creating shared vision, meaning, and culture to shape belonging and behaviors.
- Motivation and Inspiration: Gaining buy-in, selling your vision of the company, and helping people want to do great work.
- Self-Awareness and Self-Management: Understanding your default drives and behaviors and how they impact others while becoming a role model for the behaviors you want to see in others.
- Social Intelligence: Understanding the drives, attitudes, and behaviors of others, and how to effectively work with other people.
- Communication: How to effectively listen, give people a voice, share your message, and make sure your team is on the same page.
- Navigating Differences: How to deal with people different from yourself, gain common ground, and have “adult conversations” when needed.
The 3 Building Blocks of the Program
#1: Your Personal Leadership Development Plan
Because each business leader has individual needs and starts at different levels of leadership ability, the MLP is flexible and allows you to map out your personal leadership development plan for your own unique situation.
This includes you picking your top three annual leadership development goals, breaking them down into quarterly progress goals and then into monthly “micro skills.” Next, you will intentionally use your day-to-day work to organically find opportunities to practice these micro skills and grow as a leader.
At the end of the week, you’ll invest five minutes to debrief your week as a leader. What did you learn? What insights did you gain? What were your leadership victories? What one thing will you do different next week as a result of what you learned about being a better leader this week?
You’ll do this part of the program in your “Leadership Journey Journal” filled with elegantly designed tools to make charting your leadership progress a joy.
Enroll your key staff and let us do the heavy lifting in developing your managers and leaders
#2: Your Direct Reports Development Plans
Paralleling the work you did with your personal level mapping of your own leadership path, you’ll now do the same for your key direct reports.
First, you’ll identify the critical growth players on your team you want to be part of this journey, gain their buy in, and enroll them in the MLP so that you work together to have a bigger impact on your company.
The program will give you concrete tools to effectively manage and chart your direct reports’ progress as they grow as leaders. And because they will be enrolled in the program alongside you, they will get the full benefit of all the program tools and components, just like you. This will save you hours and hours as we train your key staff to develop into hyper-effective leaders.
Remember, one of the greatest leverage points in any business is a cadre of talented, bought-in leaders all working toward a common end. The MLP will give you the systematized framework to enjoy and implement just this.
#3: The Leadership Accelerator™
The program includes a structured, moduleby-module, 36-month training curriculum that progressively builds so by the end you will have the leadership team you have always wanted.
This comprehensive leadership education was specifically designed, tested, and refined for leaders inside small or midsize privately held companies. In short – it was tailor-made for you!
Each of the 36 leadership training modules is made up of 3-7 short videos that total less than 45 minutes per month. Yes, you read that correctly – the program training component takes less than 45 minutes per month.
The MLP works by getting you and your key leaders doing, practicing, and applying key leadership skills, not in some artificial “academic” setting, but rather right in the day-to-day flow of your current work. This not only makes the program hyper-relevant, but also incredibly efficient. Everything you do for the program will literally map directly onto what you do in your role for your company. There are no wasted efforts doing academic “make work”.
We’ll even give you a complete UBS (system) for how to do this program as a group inside your company to maximize its impact across your organization

“The small intimate setting greatly enhanced the learning factor. I leave with my head full of new and incredibly useful information about becoming the leader I need to be as well as new and deeper relationships with other entrepreneurs.”
The Bottom Line
- This is your “Masters in Leadership” to grow you and your leaders.
- With better leadership your company will grow faster – remember, beta-participants in the program grew 400% larger than non-participants.
- With better leadership your growth will be more sustainable and you’ll enjoy greater strategic depth.
- With better leadership you’ll enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your team has things capably handled.
Year One: Your Leadership Foundation
(Months 1-12)
- To gain a firm foundation of leadership principles upon which to grow.
- To see how your behavior and “self-management” impacts your team.
- To improve your mechanics of “managing” your team.
Q1: Guiding Leadership Principles and Pitfalls:
Your Stable Leadership Base to Build Upon
Focus: To master the seven leadership principles and avoid the five greatest leadership pitfalls.
Module #1: Leadership – The Hidden Booster to Sustainably Scaling Your Company
In this introductory module you’ll learn about the five engines of business growth and how leadership is your biggest growth booster. You’ll also inventory your current leadership strengths and deficits, and which level of leadership you’re starting your development journey from. Finally, you’ll also be introduced to “The 4 Core Leadership Functions”—Vision, Meaning, Culture, and Communication.
Module #2: The Five Greatest Leadership Failings (and how to avoid these known pitfalls)
Have you ever wondered what causes people to fail as a leader? Years of study and research has pinpointed five habitual “default leadership behaviors” that are at the root of 80% of leadership failures. In this session not only will you learn how to recognize and sidestep each of these five failings, but you’ll learn a fun, energizing activity to do with your team where they’ll tell you exactly how to best manage them for maximum performance.
Module #3: The 7 Guiding Leadership Principles
Top leaders follow a proven set of guiding principles, but most businesspeople were never taught these simple yet powerful principles. In this session, you’ll learn all seven of these principles and specifically how they apply in the world of business. Consider this the single most important leadership session you may ever participate in.
Q2: The “Big 3” Leadership Abilities:
Self-Management; Delegation; Accountability
Focus: To give you a clear map to upgrade your self management and a framework to effectively delegate and hold your team accountable.
Module #4: Self Management – The Bedrock Foundation of All Management Success
How can you be a compelling leader if you haven’t learned to effectively manage yourself? In this module you’ll learn the four resources you must manage, how your behaviors – good and bad – help or undercut your effectiveness as a manager, and how to identify the one past behavior that you mistakenly thought helped you succeed but in reality is holding you back as a leader.
Module #5: Delegation Basics: Master the Essentials of Intelligently Letting Go So Things Get Done Right
This session focuses on giving you the short-course on effective delegation. You’ll learn how to hand off so that things get done, the single most important element of accountability, the five elements of a clean delegation hand off, and the most important question you must ask before you hand a task to a subordinate.
Module #6: Accountability Fundamentals: Master the Core of Effectively Holding Your Team Accountable
Handing off well is just half the battle. You also need to become excellent at holding your team accountable to deliver on the responsibilities you’ve handed off. Done well, you’ll build a culture of accountability where, in your organization, people play to a very high accountability standard. Learn the insider secrets that make following up simple and easy.
Q3: Role vs Grow Players:
A Simple Leadership Distinction to Gain Immediate Growth
Focus: To pinpoint which of your staff are role players, and which are grow players, and to use this distinction to manage your team better
Module #7: Role vs Grow Players: The Hidden Distinction that Will Dissolve Your Biggest People Frustrations
Have you ever tried to push someone to grow who didn’t want to? Or had a great person quit only to reveal after they left that they just felt stagnate when they worked for you? In this module you’ll learn a simple model of how to divide your team into two groups: role players and grow players. You’ll see that your company actually needs both, and when you have a team member you have to get rid of.
Module #8: Coaching Grow Players for Best Performance
Learn the six “laws” of coaching for development, and why taking a little more time with your grow players is one of the highest return investments you’ll ever make. Grow players need to be challenged, but these challenges need to be embedded in a clear matrix of appropriate support. In this module you’ll learn exactly how to do it.
Module #9: Managing Your Role Players for Optimal Results
Every organization needs dedicated role players to sustain their results over time. But managing role players needs to be done correctly. In this session you’ll learn the four keys to coaching role players and how to avoid the single biggest reason why your best role players quit. Finally, you’ll also learn when you have to fire a role player, even if they are very good at what they do.
Q4: The Mechanics of Effective Meetings and Recruiting “A” Players
Focus: To give you a simple yet highly effective framework to run all your meetings. Also, to give you a proven 5-step system to hire the best people.
Module #10: The 8 Secrets to Running a great meeting
Meetings are a core part of management. Done well, they are a great leverage point to coordinate your team on their highest value activities and accomplish stunning results. Done poorly, and you waste hours and hours of time, and deaden your day. If running meetings are an essential part of being an effective leader, why weren’t you ever taught how to do it extremely well? Time to correct this deficit by sharing with you eight simple secrets to running an effective meeting.
Module #11: The Hiring Short Course – 5 Simple Steps to Hire “A” Player
Every manager must hire right and onboard well. In fact, the better you hire and onboard, the easier it is for you to lead. Great leaders surround themselves with a capable team. Over the past twenty years, the Maui coaching team has taught over 10,000 business leaders the inside secrets of hiring champions. In this short, concentrated module you’ll learn our five-step system to hire “A” Players.
Module #12: Leadership Development Audit: A Formal Check-In on Your Leadership Progress
Time to reflect on your greatest leadership gains, your most costly leadership deficits, and to map out your individual development plan for the coming 12 months. Plus, you’ll learn exactly how to replicate this process with your key “grow player” direct reports so that collectively you accelerate your success.
Year Two: The Effective Manager
(Months 13-24)
- To give you the essentials to master “managing” your team.
- To share how to cultivate a powerful culture that shapes your team’s default behaviors.
- To help you make the leap from “manager” to “leader”.
Q1: Management 101:
The Basics of Being an Effective Manager
Focus: To absorb and practice the core skills and capabilities that all strong managers share. Also, to understand how management needs to be practiced in a “virtual world”.
Module #13: Control-itis: The Disease that Traps You In Endless Rounds of Doing, Doing, Doing
Think of this module as the advanced course on intelligently letting go. We’ll start by taking a hard look at the true cost of your compulsion for control, where your fear of delegation really stems from, and how you can hand off more and still stay in control. Too many destructive management behaviors are caused by drives, impulses, and triggers that the manager simply is unaware of. In this module you’ll learn how to finally put down the heavy load (which paradoxically will help you accomplish so much more than in the days when you kept an iron grip.)
Module #14: Managing a Remote Team: 10 Principles to Do It Extremely Well
The trends are clear – working remotely is a big part of your leadership success but few managers were ever trained to explicitly do it well. In this module you’ll learn the ten most important rules to follow to get the very most out of your remote team. What you’ll discover is that when you master these “virtual” skills of managing your remote team you’ll also be a magnitude more effective managing your traditional “in person” teams too. These ten principles apply to both management contexts.
Module #15: Management and the Law: 7 Core Legal Considerations to Manage Intelligently
In today’s world, every manager must have a clear grounding in the legalities of managing your team. Staying on the right side of employment laws and avoiding costly lawsuits is simple when you understand the basics. In this module you’ll learn the seven most important HR compliance fundamentals to managing your team. Simply mastering these seven will protect your company and give you greater peace of mind knowing that you’re doing things within the legal framework of employment law.
Q2: Crafting Culture:
How to Intentionally Shape Positive, Constructive Behaviors
Focus: To give you simple tools to define and build the culture you want inside your company, department, or team.
Module #16: An Introduction to Company Culture: The Hidden Hand that Shapes Employee Behavior
Every company and every team has a culture, for good or ill. The core premise is that culture starts with you – the leader. Culture is an overlooked opportunity. You’ll learn how to identify what your current culture is, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to intentionally map out a route to enhance your culture over time. There is no greater leverage point to build sustainable results than effectively building a powerful company or team culture. We’ll walk you through a simple process to do just that.
Module #17: Reinforcing Company Culture Over Time: “1,000 Taps of the Hammer”
If you’ve ever been frustrated that your team isn’t following your policies and procedures this module will be a gift. Policies and systems are cognitive, hierarchical approaches to shape behavior, and as such are limited. Culture on the other hand works below the surface to shape behavior, making the best behaviors the “norm”. But culture takes time to grow and is the cumulative result of thousands of small things done over time. Learn how to intentionally “tap” on the culture hammer through 12 simple culture building tools.
Module #18: A Manager Versus a Leader: The Critical Difference
It’s time – here at the midpoint of the MLP – to help you make the most significant leadership leap of all – moving from a “manager” to a “leader”. In this module you’ll see the two roles in sharp contrast and gain a deep understanding of how to progress to the higher order of leadership. This session will help you see where in your work day you need to be a “manager”, and where you must raise your game to become a “leader”.
Q3: Your Leadership Team:
How to Move Beyond “Command and Control” to Grow True Pillar Leaders
Focus: To learn how to build your own leadership team and how to empower them to work effectively with each other versus running everything through you.
Module #19: The Fundamentals of Establishing a Formal “Leadership Team”
Get a clear framework for how to create a leadership team. Who should you invite to be part of this team? How can you “try out” team members without setting permanent expectations? How often should you meet? What should you discuss? What subjects should initially be off limits and why? In this session you’ll learn the bottom-line basics of building an effective leadership team. Whether you manage a department and want to groom two or three key managers on your team, or you run the entire business, creating a leadership team will dissolve the biggest long-term block to growth – your limited leadership attention
Module #20: Creating a Robust “Peer-to-Peer” Culture Where Work Just Gets Done
We’ve documented a common evolution in the leadership of a company. It starts by the key leader handing off more and more functional responsibilities to other key managers. But, the owner tends to keep themself the central nexus point of contact through which all internal leadership level communication flows. This not only slows the company down, but it also causes extra work. In this module, you’ll get a simple framework to shift to a “peer-to-peer” culture where leaders and managers work directly with one another without having to go through the central hub of the owner or key leader.
Module #21: Advanced Delegation Skills for Maximum Team Performance
The only way for you to grow your contribution to your company is for you to effectively delegate more and more of your lower value tasks and responsibilities. In this advanced delegation session you’ll learn five secrets to hand off more to your team. You’ll also learn how to effectively hand off “ownership” of functional areas of responsibility rather than having to keep delegating the same “tasks” to your people again and again. This will help you reclaim hours of your workday back to invest in upgraded uses.
Q4: Emotional Intelligence:
How to Move Beyond “Command and Control” to Grow True Pillar Leaders
Focus: To help you master the emotional intelligence side of the leadership equation so you can more effectively manage them.
Module #22: The 10 Key Elements of Emotional and Social Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand yourself, manage your behaviors and control your impulses. Social intelligence is the ability to understand the drives, motivations, tendencies, and triggers of others. Both of these types of intelligences are essential to becoming a great leader. In this session you’ll learn the ten most important elements of both types of intelligences which will give you a framework upon which to grow as a leader.
Module #23: Personality Assessments: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Truths
In this session we’ll build on the social and emotional intelligence work we did in module 22 by using a simple personality assessment model to give you immediate insights into your team. You’ll learn how this assessment tool (and others) can help you predict how your staff will react, and how to most effectively deploy them to get results. You’ll also learn the limitations of this or any assessment tool, and how to harness their strengths while avoiding common pitfalls of overreliance on any personality model.
Module #24: How to Have Effective “Adult Conversations”
One of the hardest skills for leaders is navigating differences and out-of- bounds behavior in their team. Most managers and leaders either avoid these situations, letting their anxiety drive their avoidant behavior, or they brute force their way through them in ways that damage relationships and hurt the company. In this session you’ll learn how to have an adult conversation, three language patterns to use, and how to skillfully navigate these situations.
Year Three: The Transformational Leader
(Months 25-36)
- To give you the advanced leadership skills to lead your team.
- To give you a framework for strategic planning with your leadership team.
- To help you create a compelling vision for your business and inspire your staff.
Q1: Strengthening Your Team:
Advanced skills to develop your players
Focus: To learn how to immediately make your current team stronger through better coaching and greater strategic depth.
Module #25: Advanced Coaching Skills for Developing Your Winning Team
Top coaches live and die by their ability to achieve concrete results through growing, grooming, and leading their teams. They find ways to harmonize and align; they draw out the best performance possible from their players. In this session you’ll learn advanced skills to coach your team. You may not always have a lot of control over who is on your team, but you do have full control over how you work with them to help them perform at their best.
Module #26: How to Lead Your Team into the “Value Economy”
In this session you’ll learn how to push your team and company to prize “value created” versus “hours logged”. You’ll discover a simple test to immediately diagnosis your current culture, how to balance responsiveness with securing blocks of uninterrupted time to get your highest value work done, and the true cost of being too hyperconnected. As the subject of a two-year research project, we’ll share with you the bottom lines to get your team to focus on value created and stop living in their inbox and app feeds.
Module #27: Building Strategic Depth
Strategic depth is the combination of systems, cross trained team members, and internal culture that ensures your company can withstand the loss of a key player—temporary or otherwise. What’s more, strategic depth protects you from the stress, fear, and anxiety of being totally reliant on yourself or a key team member. It gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you and your team won’t face the excruciating situation of having to put work needs in front of your most important family and personal needs.
Q2: Meeting Mastery:
How to Run Effective Meetings and Do Quarterly Strategic Planning
Focus: To master the mechanics of running highly productive meetings and how to effectively lead strategic planning sessions.
Module #28: Advanced Skills for Running Highly Effective Meetings
Building on the meeting basics you learned in Module 10, it’s time to take your meetings to another level. You’ll learn how to run brainstorming sessions that generate breakthrough ideas; planning sessions that stay focused on desired results; and problem-solving meetings that get results. You’ll learn how you should start every meeting and why there are two things you must do before you end every meeting or you’ve wasted everyone’s time. Gain new ideas to keep your meetings fresh and to generate enhanced results.
Module #29: Strategic Planning as a Leader – The Basics
As a leader, one of your key roles is to help focus your team on the right objectives and how to make critical decisions as to which resources will go into which strategies, tactics, or initiatives. You’ll learn the core steps and proven process of leading an effective planning meeting. Considering that you’ll be using this process quarter after quarter after quarter, you owe it to yourself and your company to learn to do it the most effective way possible.
Module #30: Advanced Strategic Planning as a Leader
Building on Module 26, you’ll learn exactly how to lead an “off site” planning meeting. Who should you invite to participate? What questions should you ask? We’ll give you two formal strategic planning agendas that we’ve used with clients over the past two decades and show you exactly how to run your own strategic planning session. You’ll learn how to do it in person and the subtle shifts you need to make when you do your planning sessions virtually.
Q3: Your Vision, Values, and Mission:
Defining the Deeper Purpose and Mission of Your Business
Focus: To help you clarify both in writing your why, how, and what; and to give you a clear model to share these with your team to inspire, align, and empower.
Module #31: Your Company Vision: Defining Your Organization’s “Why”
Great businesses understand that people are inspired by meaning. When you can articulate the deeper purpose for which your business exists – it’s vision – you are able to bind your team together in powerful ways. In this session you’ll learn how to put your finger precisely on what the “why” behind your company is, and how to share this vision with your entire team to bring out their very best performance. You’ll model multiple examples of how other companies have done this work and achieved stunning results.
Module #32: Your Company Values: Clarifying Your Organizations “How”
What are your company’s core values? These are the key guideline on how you get things done. Where your vision and mission inspire and define, your values help align. Your values are the critical piece that helps you align behavior with what is truly most important to your business. Your company values define the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior for your entire team. When properly communicated, your values become the filter through which your team evaluates decisions and makes the tough calls.
Module #33: Your Company Mission: Defining “What” You Really Do for Your Marketplace
A mission statement takes your vision and translates it into a clear definition of what your business does in the world. It outlines what the real work of your business is and who the real stakeholders of your business are. It also defines the most important results you are working to create for your key stakeholders. In this session we’ll walk you through the process to clarify your mission and how to use it to align your company. This will fuel your staff and accelerate the accomplishment of your top objectives.
Q4: Guiding Leadership Principals and Pitfalls:
Your Stable Leadership Base to Build Upon
Focus: To master the seven leadership principles and avoid the five greatest leadership pitfalls.
Module #34: 12 Powerful Strategies to Inspire, Engage, and Retain Your Team
Over the long haul, the better you bind your best team to your business, the faster and greater your growth. In this powerful session you’ll learn twelve simple yet incredibly effective strategies to motivate your team. You’ll learn the biggest risks that cause you to lose your best people, and the three times you are most vulnerable to key players leaving. You’ll also learn how to keep your best people engaged so that you don’t just get their hands, but you get their heads and hearts each day at work.
Module #35: Advanced Strategies for Growing and Leveraging Your Leadership Team
Over time you’ll be growing the role of your key people. It’s a delicate balance – giving more and more to your team; growing your skills and comfort with stepping out of the responsibilities you give to them. In this advanced session, you’ll learn how to work through your people and give them ownership of key responsibilities. You’ll learn how to avoid unintentionally undercutting them, how to give them direct feedback, and to strike the accountability balance.
Module #36: The Next Level of Leadership: How to Chart Your Course to Continuous Growth as a Leader
In the final module of the program we’ll answer the all important question, “What’s next for you as you grow as a leader?” We’ll assess your growth over the past 36 months, how you’ve leveraged what you’ve learned, and where you need to continue to grow and advance. We’ll share with you our best recommendations of the resources to leverage next in your leadership journey, and help you transition into the next stage of leadership with a clear plan in place to continue growing and achieving.
Listen to What Our Clients Say
The average beta program coaching client grew four times more than the average business coaching client who wasn’t in this enhanced program.
That’s an increase of 400%
59% of all 2020 Growth Award winners were part of the beta program. (This density of beta program coaching clients in the awards tables was totally unexpected.)
On average, beta program Growth Award winners grew 229% BIGGER than non- beta program Growth Award winners.
Become a Better Leader and Enjoy Greater Results and Less Stress!
Individual Benefits of the MLP:
Grow to be a better leader. You’ll have a structured map to continue to grow and progress.
Develop professionally. You’ll be more effective at work and have a greater impact on your organization.
Reduce your stress. You’ll have less stress and more peace of mind because you’ll have a better team, greater strategic depth, and less drama.
Make a bigger difference. As you become a better leader you will have more impact and make a real difference.
Company Benefits of the MLP:
Grow faster. Remember beta-program participants grew 4x larger than coaching clients who didn’t participate in this program.
Sustain your growth. By growing your managers and leaders you’ll create greater and greater strategic depth. This will make your company more stable and secure.
Increase your enterprise value. By growing your team and generating enhanced results, your company will be more valuable.
Enjoy a greater impact in your market. Your company has a mission to perform for the world and not only think glowing you down is the need to increase your leadership capability.
The Maui Leadership Program (MLP)
You Get:
Annual “Leadership Journey” 3-ring binders |
Value: $2,800 2003_38abaa-72> |
The MLP Quick Start Course This concentrated audio and video course walks you through exactly how to use your Leadership Journey binder and tools to set your annual leadership development goal, break them down into quarterly milestones, and then into monthly “micro skills.” You’ll also learn how to use your leadership journal to focus your practice and track your progress each week. 2003_0daddc-f1> |
Value: $1,500 2003_49cd98-50> |
The 36-Module Leadership Accelerator™ Designed to take just 45 minutes per month, each module helps you progress step-by-step as a leader. The course is housed online, and each quarter you’ll get a link to download the audio and video versions of that quarter’s modules. 2003_89dfda-56> |
Value: $35,000 2003_05b0bf-6e> |
Complete System for Internal “Leadership Mastermind Group” Complete UBS (system) to run your own internal “Leadership Mastermind” in parallel to the 36-month curriculum. 2003_b50a6a-4e> |
Value: $1,500 2003_4d3791-88> |
Quarterly “Leadership Roundtables” These intimate leadership discussions will be lead by one of the Maui Coaches each quarter to leverage your peers and build community as you practice these skills, troubleshoot leadership challenges, and celebrate your progress. 2003_3b49ab-10> |
Value: $12,000 2003_b6101b-da> |
The Annual Jackson Hole Leadership Retreat (3 years) Once each year we’ll host our popular leadership intensive. Seats are limited to the owners of the business, and staff that have a Maui Coach. Once these participants have had their head start to RSVP, any open seats remaining will be available to all key staff members participating in the program on a first come, first served basis*. 2003_7ed68a-7d> |
Value: $45,000 2003_918734-cc> |
Total Value You Get: $97,800
Register for The Maui Leadership Program Today!
Or just email us at