Escaping The Self-Employment Trap
The Trap
It happens… a lot more than most of us would like to think. We’re working so hard to grow our business that we don’t realize the way we’re doing it will trap us.
The business can’t operate without us.
If we don’t show up – the business suffers.
If for some reason we couldn’t show up for an extended time – the business would fail.
How We Can Help…
We just set up a free “sneak peek” for you on our website! Get two chapters of our new book “SCALE: 7 Proven Principles to Grow Your Business and Get Your Life Back”. (And in case you’re wondering, yes we did just totally revamp the entire website. Check out the other valuable tools up there for you.)
When you’re done with the sneak peek you’ll have a much better handle on exactly what the “Self Employment Trap” is, and how you can sidestep it.
I’m hoping that you’ll find the book valuable enough to get up on amazon and get your copy. For less than $20 you’ll be getting 40+ combined years of my and my coauthor Jeff Hoffman’s (cofounder best ideas on how to grow your business in a structured and sustainable way.
But first things first!
Follow the link below to check out the new book SCALE, then when you like what you see, get your copy on amazon.
Have a great rest of your day and thank you for being part of the Maui community of business owners.