How to Change Your Leadership Style
As a business coach, there’s nothing better than a client who not only sees the value of coaching but goes the extra step to offer it to their key team members as well. Overall, these clients see not only exponential growth in a shorter period of time, but also job satisfaction for everyone on the team increases. Companywide coaching accomplishes this by allowing everyone to improve and providing unique insights into struggles they may have within their team dynamic.
Just this week, we were working with a new companywide coaching client whose CEO tended to hire like-minded individuals for their management team. While on the surface this might not seem like a huge problem, it was stifling creativity and growth for the business. So I want to go over some tips that you, as a business leader, can adopt to help prevent a similar situation.
Tip 1: Be Adaptable
To thrive as a business leader, you must be willing to embrace change and diverse leadership styles. Here are some strategies to help you become more adaptable:
1. Be self-aware–Start by recognizing your own leadership style. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can pave the way for improvement. Our client didn’t realize that their leadership team was so like-minded until a bit of self-reflection.
2. Actively listen–Actively engage with your team members and be open to their ideas. Effective leaders understand that different perspectives can lead to better decisions. And that just because someone goes against the norm, it doesn’t make it a bad thing.
3. Continuously learn–Stay updated with industry trends and leadership best practices. A willingness to learn and evolve is a hallmark of flexible leaders. The willingness to do a companywide coaching initiative is a huge step in the right direction.
4. Delegate responsibility–Empower your team members by delegating tasks and decision making. Trusting your team fosters flexibility and allows them to grow.
5. Encourage innovation–Create an environment where innovation is valued. Welcome new ideas and provide resources for experimentation.
6. Adapt to change–Change is inevitable in business. Be prepared to pivot when circumstances require it and encourage your team to do the same.
Tip 2: Be Flexible
Flexibility is not just about accommodating different leadership styles; it’s also a catalyst for innovation. When leaders are flexible, they inspire creativity and open the door to innovative solutions. Here’s how flexibility fuels innovation and better decision making:
1. Diverse perspectives: Flexible leaders encourage team members to contribute their unique insights. This diversity of thought often leads to innovative solutions that might not have been considered otherwise.
2. Quick adaptation: In a rapidly changing business landscape, leaders who can adapt quickly to new information and circumstances are more likely to make informed decisions.
3. Risk-taking: Flexibility encourages calculated risk-taking. Leaders who are open to trying new approaches are more likely to discover groundbreaking solutions.
4. Resilience: Flexible leaders bounce back from setbacks more effectively. This resilience is a valuable trait in the face of adversity.
Fostering a culture of adaptability and flexibility is essential for navigating the challenges of the modern business world. Adapting to different leadership styles, embracing change, and encouraging innovation are key components of effective leadership. By doing so, you not only become a better leader but also inspire your team to achieve greater heights. Flexibility is the cornerstone of success in today’s dynamic business environment.