6 Ways to Avoid Being ‘Ghosted’ By a New Hire
Employers have had it good for way too long. Back in the old days, you would put together a written outline of the ideal candidate, compose the perfect job post and then wait for the resumes to roll in. You would then schedule interviews and make your selection based on your selected criteria. Then you would move to the on-boarding phase and finally allow your employee to “own” their position.
Enter ghosting.
This new trend is rather karmic, and leaves employers scrambling to pick up the pieces after an new hire leaves without as much as a goodbye.
Getting Ghosted is stressful and affects your bottom line, but thankfully there are steps that you can take to decrease the chances of being ghosted by your employees.
1. Listen. Really listen.
Your employees want to be heard. Really heard. They want to feel like their input is valuable and that you, as their employer, are invested in what they have to say. This doesn’t mean that you will always see eye-to-eye, but they know that you are always available to listen with an open mind and will respect their position.
If an employee feels like they are being heard, they will be far less likely to cut off communication channels (ie ghost).
2. Be Respectful.
The old adage “treat others like you want to be treated” comes to mind here. If you are respectful to your workforce, they are much more likely to act in-kind thus decreasing your chances of being ghosted. Look at each employee as a person, not a tool to help meet your goals. Treat them with courtesy, and be direct if the situation calls for it. Make sure they know that they were hired for the position because you have faith in their ability to do a good job and make good decisions.
3. Create a Positive Work Environment.
Cut out the infighting, “silo-ism” and snarky emails. If an employee feels like they are part of a team, they are much less likely to ghost.
4. Be Inspiring.
Don’t waste your breath shouting and clapping your hands, instead take the time to be someone who warrants loyalty and respect by doing great work. If your employees look up to you, they will want to put forth their best effort and work. Set high expectations of yourself and your team members, and then work together to reach your goals.
5. Don’t Micromanage.
There is nothing that will turn an employee into a ghost faster than a micromanager on a mission. Share interesting projects with your staff and then give them the authority to do their job to the best of their ability. Make sure to explain projects and tasks fully with concrete direction and established expectations. Take the time in the beginning to set the groundwork and allow the employee to run with it.
If a task or project is challenging for an employee, be a mentor and a cheerleader and support them as needed. When you are successful, celebrate your victories together.
6. Say Thank You.
Give credit when credit is due. Give specific and concrete verbal praise. This could be done in a myriad of ways: acknowledgment during a team meeting, a thank you note, a gift card or even a special night out. One of our coaching clients recently sent one of their key employees and their spouse out to dinner to say “Thank You”, even arranging for a babysitter.
While it may be difficult to prevent ghosting during the hiring process, there are concrete things that you can do after you hire to decrease your chances of being left in the lurch. Make an effort to get to know your employees and support them in their growth both personally and professionally.