The Secret to Effective Leadership Team-Building

In your business journey, there comes a point when managing everything on your to-do list while meeting essential needs becomes impossible. As a business coach for more than 25 years, one of the first things I teach small-business owners to do is start prioritizing time and scheduling focused blocks to work on the highest-value tasks in their business….

Setting Expectations in Your Leadership Team

Putting together a solid leadership team for your business is a big milestone for any small-business owner. But once you have your team assembled, many small-business owners think they are done with the heavy lifting. Unfortunately, that is just the beginning. You still need to put in the work of defining leadership team expectations, as well as laying the…

The Power of Peer-to-Peer Delegation

We talk a lot about delegation with our business coaching clients here at Maui Mastermind, and for good reason. Effective delegation is essential for the growth and success of any business. And the majority of owners and leaders of small to medium-size businesses aren’t very skilled in delegating tasks to their team members. It is usually clunky…

The 3 Levels of Delegation and Ownership for Effective Leadership

Delegating tasks and ownership are vital aspects of effective leadership, enabling business owners to scale their operations and empower their teams. And as a business coach for more than 25 years, I can say that this is one of the things that business owners struggle with the most. The majority of leaders understand the first level but after…