Build a Business, Not a Job

The First Rule of Business: Be Respectful of Everyone’s Time

Time, building respect and company culture

As a leader, everything you say and do becomes part of your company culture, whether you want it to or not. Every time that you show up late to a meeting, or miss a deadline, your team is watching and taking notes. But on the flip side, every time you make a deliberate effort to act […]

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3 Steps to Onboard a Hire More Efficiently

Onboarding Process Business, Steps to Onboard a Hire

Hiring and onboarding new talent can be a process, and for many small business owners the first 90 days after a hire are the most crucial to the new hire’s success or failure. So today I wanted to share with you three steps that I encourage all our business coaching clients to do with each and every new hire […]

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How to Stop Phantom Deliverables in Their Tracks

Project management tools, how to stop phantom deliverables in their tracks

When it comes to service-based businesses, one of the most frustrating and costly mistakes any business owner can make has to do with phantom deliverables and scope creep. If left unchecked, you can not only burn your team members out quicker, but all the extra work and resources can quickly start to eat into your profit margins […]

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3 Ways You Could Be Failing as a Leader

Focused mature leader deep in thought while sitting at a table in modern office

As a small-business owner, it’s safe to say, you never set out to fail as a leader. The majority start off with the best intentions and want to grow a team and a company they can be proud of for years to come. But somewhere along the way, things start to get fuzzy. You start working […]

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How You Word Your Interview Questions Matters

Guy and businesswoman talking in a job interview in an office, actual interview process

As a business coach for more than 25 years, I have helped thousands of business owners grow and scale their businesses through the creation of systems and processes and intelligent hiring practices. And one topic that comes up often is how to craft the proper questions for a job interview, while paying attention to the various laws […]

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2 Leadership Habits Should You Should Always Pay Attention To

Mature business woman having a discussion with her team, leadership habits small-business owners to pay attention to

As a leader, your actions always speak louder than words when it comes to creating a company culture that is beneficial for both your employees and your company as a whole. And, from my experience as a business coach who speaks to thousands of owners every year, there are some actions that speak louder than others. […]

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Stop Living Your Life 10 Minutes at a Time

Human hand holding alarm clock on red background, solid block of focus time

As a small-business coach, I have seen it all. Thousands of business owners each year work with my team to help grow and scale their businesses, and the vast majority of those owners usually come to us completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of things that they need to accomplish every single day. Then when you add […]

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Why Psychological Safety in the Workplace Should Be on Your Radar

Business team good community doing work and smiling happy, value, team, psychological safety

As a business coach for more than 25 years, I have helped thousands of business owners grow their businesses. And one of the ways we do that is by helping them create safe, nurturing spaces in which their team members can grow and develop. For many leaders, psychological safety is an idea they may not have ever […]

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Why Being Nice Always Pays Off

Business man hand with wooden red heart object, Why being nice always pays off, kindness

Remember as a child when you were told, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? Well, that piece of advice is relevant when it comes to managing a team as well. And as anyone who has ever managed a group of people knows, it can be difficult at times with different […]

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Become a Better Manager by People Watching

how to become a better manager by people watching

Being a good manager is hard work. It’s one thing to get your team in alignment on a task or project at hand to meet a deadline, but it’s a whole other thing to help your team members grow and develop as individuals within your organization. And unfortunately, that’s where many managers and leaders fall short. We are so […]

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How to Be a Better Manager: The Theory of the Elephant and the Rider

How to be a better manager, the elephant and the rider

Leading a team can be a lot of work, and for many business owners and leaders their first real experience leading a team is when they start their own businesses. This is why it’s imperative that you take the time and energy to hone your management skills along the way to help your business grow and thrive. Today, I […]

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Improve Your Social Intelligence With This Exercise

Improve your social intelligence

By now we all know that emotional intelligence is important for leaders and managers to be successful. But today I wanted to go a step further and talk about social intelligence. What it is, why it matters, and how you can improve this soft skill to become a better manager and leader for your team. First, let’s define […]

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How to Use A.I. to Find Your Next Hire

Ai artificial intelligence innovation, how to use A.I. to find your next hire

With all the buzz about A.I. lately, business owners are scrambling to find out the different ways they can use GPT to make their days easier and more productive. Many of my clients have started using it to create marketing copy, ads, and graphic design, and even to help with the hiring process. So today I want to share some tips and […]

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Are You a Manager or a Leader? Here’s How to Tell

Manager or a Leader work cooperate with diverse team at office, discuss business ideas with colleagues at meeting

Are you a manager or are you a leader? As a business coach, this question comes up a lot, and many people use the terms interchangeably. But there is a difference between the two, and there is a time and a place for you to be a manager and to be a leader. So today I want to […]

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The Difference Between a Manager and a Leader When It Comes to Delegation

In the past, I have spoken about the power of delegation when it comes to growth in your business. If done properly, you can exponentially grow your business without having to work 80-plus hours a week. But did you know that when it comes to delegation there are a few different approaches you can take, and both […]

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3 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Make Yourself a Better Leader

business man and business woman corporate leaders managers standing in office, better leader

In my 25-plus years of being a business coach, I have worked with thousands of business owners across the globe, many of whom started out with no intention of becoming a leader or even a manager. They had a business idea that resonated with a customer base, and took that idea or passion and turned it into a thriving […]

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It’s Time to Give Your Team a Voice

Expressing idea, It's time to give your team a voice

I was recently talking with a business coaching client who had just lost a major account. After doing a little more digging, it was discovered that one of his account representatives, Casey, knew it was coming months before the client officially put in their notice to terminate. Naturally, the owner thought that letting Casey go was […]

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The Cons of Using a Personality Assessment With Your Team

The cons of using a personality assessment with your team

For a hiring manager or business owner, hiring the right fit for your team can really make a huge difference in your ability to grow and thrive as a business. And in today’s hiring landscape, it can be easy to get caught up in the hundreds of resumes in your in-box and multiple rounds of interviews. After a while, […]

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The Pros of Using a Personality Assessment With Your Team

Portrait of business team standing together, using a personality assessment with your team

Finding a new hire for your team is a process, and one that takes a lot of careful consideration and planning. And for many business owners, the idea of doing a personality assessment prior to hiring someone sounds like a great way to screen a candidate for a culture fit without going through the work of onboarding […]

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How to Have an Adult Conversation With an Employee Who Isn’t Meeting Expectations

Business owner having an adult conversation with an employee who isnt meeting expectations

For a lot of business owners, managing a team is one of the hardest but most rewarding parts of the job. If handled properly, you can grow your business and experience a level of growth and freedom that your competition can’t. But if done improperly, it can really hurt your business and your ability to service your customers. […]

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How to Speak With an Employee Who Is Acting Out of Character

two businesswomen sitting and discussing, learn how to speak with an employee who is acting out of character

As a business owner or manager, not only is it your job to help your team celebrate the victories and successes that they experience but it is also imperative that you are able to recognize when a team member is out of sorts and struggling in their current position. And how you approach that conversation […]

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How to Tell What Kind of Employee You Have

business people working together in the office, employee, role player, growth player

As business coaches, one of the things we work on with our clients is not only helping them find and retain top talent, but also helping them coach their team to help increase productivity and growth within the business. And one of the ways we do that is we help them learn how to distinguish their employees by two different […]

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Unintentional Ways You Are Wasting Time

People in a meeting and talk about time management and productivity

When it comes to productivity, there are a lot of things that can slow you down as a business owner. There are employee issues, customer concerns, marketing issues, and a whole slew of other fires that pop up on a daily basis. But, for the majority of us, there is one productivity killer that beats all others in terms of time […]

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You Are Unintentionally Jeopardizing Your Team’s Productivity

International business team connecting online together and teleworking: work outsourcing and telecommuting concept, team's productivity

Being a leader of a small to medium-sized business means that you often wear a lot of hats. And you have a lot of things on your plate. And as a business coach for over twenty five years, I can say that for most business owners productivity and efficiency are not innate skills. They often take years […]

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How to Navigate Emotional Land Mines in Delegation

good relationships with your team members, colleagues engaged in a productive business meeting, brainstorming ideas, delegation processes and procedures

As a business coach for more than two decades, I have taught thousands of business owners how to streamline their delegation processes and procedures in order to get more done without working 80-plus hours a week. And, for many, the actual delegating isn’t the most challenging part of the process. For most, it’s the emotional components that come […]

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You Have Your To-Do List All Wrong

manager helps her new employee to find a solution on her task, day-to-day task, to-do list

As a busy business owner with a lot of responsibilities your to-do list is your lifeline to getting things done. You likely have a running list of all the things you have to do on any given day or week, both professionally and in your personal life. And that list can be housed either digitally or in […]

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The Secret Weapon to Hiring the Right Person Every Single Time

job interview waiting and sitting in line, hiring

When it comes to hiring new team members, there are a lot of things you can do to help find the best candidate for the position. Having a solidly written job description, looking in the right places or enlisting the help of a recruiter, and having well-thought-out interview questions that help capture the skills and weaknesses of […]

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Getting Your Staff’s Trust Starts With the Little Things

Happy mid aged business woman manager handshaking at office meeting, accountability

As a business coach for over twenty-five years, I have seen many leaders rise to the top and I have seen just as many leaders fall flat. And one of the universal truths in all of that is that the leaders that make a concerted effort to lead with integrity almost always outshine their peers. Because when […]

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Your Staff Is Watching. Here’s Something You Should Pay Attention To

Healthcare, doctors and nurses walking together for discussion. Diversity, men or women medical group talking about teamwork in hospital, Your staff is watching

Being a leader means a lot of things when it comes to your business, but one of the most important things you can do every day is to be mindful of your behaviors and actions. As humans, we are inherently inductive machines. We are constantly watching those around us and looking for patterns of behavior, ultimately changing the way […]

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You May Be Overcoaching Your Team. Here’s How to Tell


As a business coach for more than 25 years, I can attest to the power of a good companywide coaching program. If done correctly, you can help your team stay on task and focus on the bigger picture. You can increase revenue and profits, all while working less on the things that matter the most. And you […]

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The 1-Page Report You Should Always Have On Hand

The 1-Page Report You Should Always Have On Hand, strategic action plan

I was recently talking to a business owner who was really struggling with report overload. Every day he would get a report from his accounting department, legal, marketing, customer service, and operations. And most of those reports were several pages long and packed full of facts and figures. On the surface, this seems like a great thing. […]

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Why Attention Is Everything When It Comes to Business Growth

Why Attention Is Everything When It Comes to Business Growth

As a business owner, there are so many things demanding your attention, and at the end of the day, it can be really easy to get overwhelmed when you are pulled in so many different directions. And as humans, the saying “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” is very accurate. You may have 15 important tasks on […]

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How To Scale A Vending Machine Business

As we dive deeper into 2023, the allure of the vending machine industry’s near-limitless potential continues to captivate entrepreneurs across the globe. Technology leaps and pervasive digital adoption have revolutionized this sector, making scaling a vending machine business no longer a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ and ‘how’. Prepare for an insight-packed journey, as we […]

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How To Scale A Vacation Rental Business

In an era where suitcase-living is becoming the norm, and digital nomads give new meaning to “work from anywhere,” the potential of vacation rentals is booming. Don’t just watch from the sidelines; masterful maneuvering in this gold rush could catapult your business to staggering heights. This comprehensive guide will unleash a vault of proven strategies […]

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How To Scale A Tutoring Business

In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, your tutoring business can’t afford to remain static. Growth and expansion are critical components for ensuring sustainability of your business in the long-term. Whether you’ve just launched or have been navigating the industry for years, expanding your tutoring business can seem daunting— but it doesn’t have to be. In […]

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How To Scale A Trucking Business

Facing the open road and charting a course towards business growth can seem overwhelming, even for seasoned trucking companies. The year is 2023, and the trucking industry is experiencing a metamorphic shift due to technological advancements and changing market dynamics. This post will help you decipher how to navigate this daunting landscape of scaling your […]

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How To Scale A Trade Business

In the hyper-competitive and dynamic world of 2023, having a successful trade business is no longer about maintaining the status quo. It is about embracing growth, expanding operations, and strategically outmaneuvering competition. If you’re wrestling with how to scale up your trade business effectively amidst this business revolution, you’ve come to the right place. Drenched […]

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How To Scale A Subscription Business

Navigating the subscription economy can be perplexingly intricate. It’s no longer about the simple act of acquiring subscribers, but more importantly, retaining them and perpetually delivering value. The year 2023 has witnessed some skyrocketing successes in subscription businesses, notably echoing one mantra: Growth is the lifeblood of success. Unlocking exponential growth may seem like alchemy, […]

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How To Scale A Startup Business

Venturing into the world of startups can feel like setting sail on uncharted seas. The allure of vast potential profits entices many to take this voyage but navigating towards success isn’t easy without a roadmap. Fortunately for you, we’ve got something better; your very own digital compass, our comprehensive guide, studded with foolproof strategies and […]

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How To Scale A Small Business

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur yearning to transform that bustling small business into a thriving giant? Well, you’re not alone—taking your enterprise to the next level is a universal aim, yet only a handful achieve it. Only 33% of small businesses survive past their tenth year, which underscores the importance of having a clear roadmap […]

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How To Scale A Service Business

In the increasingly competitive landscape of 2023, elevating from merely surviving to genuinely thriving is a challenge that many service businesses have yet to conquer. However, the difference between stagnation and spectacular success often lies in a company’s ability and willingness to scale. With ever-evolving technology and shifting market demands, strategies for scaling your service […]

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How To Scale A SaaS Business

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) market is expanding at an unprecedented pace; by 2025, it’s expected to exceed a stunning $307.3 billion value. But as this lucrative industry intensifies, the competition also becomes fierce, making growth especially challenging for SaaS businesses. This blog post unlocks the secrets of scaling a SaaS business and reveals proven strategies that […]

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How To Scale A Roofing Business

Prepare for an ascent to success as we unravel the secret strategies that successful roofing businesses have been harnessing! In this high-caliber blog post, we dive headfirst into the world of scaling a roofing business, navigating through proven growth strategies and powerful tips for unprecedented profits. Do you see your roofing company towering over competitors? […]

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How To Scale A Retail Business

Staring at a retail empire with tons of ambition but feeling unsure of the path to scalability? Not for long. In today’s new era of retail, forging ahead requires more than just courage and capital. It demands an intentionally crafted roadmap to navigate the complex labyrinth of continuous growth and profitability. This article serves as […]

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How To Scale A Restaurant Business

Ever watched a tiny seed grow into a towering tree? That’s the dream of every restaurant owner – starting small and scaling up. But how to scale a restaurant business? It can feel like nurturing that little seed in unpredictable weather. You’re not in this by yourself. Many have walked this path, facing the winds […]

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How To Scale A Reselling Business

Have you ever stared at a mountain, the summit hidden in clouds, and thought about how to scale it? That’s what starting a reselling business can feel like. The journey is challenging but thrilling – an adventure of finding unique items, striking deals, and then selling them for profit. But what happens when that mountain […]

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How To Scale A Rental Property Business

Ever dreamt of having your own empire? Not the kind with castles and knights, but one built on bricks, mortar, and monthly rent checks. That’s right! We’re talking about how to scale a rental property business. The allure is undeniable; passive income streaming into your bank account while you sleep. But where do you start? […]

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How To Scale A Recruitment Business

Have you ever felt like a small fish in the big pond of recruitment? Like your business is paddling upstream, struggling to grow amidst giant competitors? You’re not alone. Scaling a recruitment business, with its inherent challenges, often feels like climbing Mount Everest. It’s daunting but possible with the right gear and guide. Imagine standing […]

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How To Scale Your Investment Business

Have you ever felt like a juggler, trying to keep multiple balls in the air as you scale your investment business? I know I have. You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, feeling our way through uncharted territories of growth and expansion. Scaling an investment advisory firm is no walk in the park; it’s more […]

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How To Scale A Real Estate Business

Have you ever stood on a hilltop, gazing at the sprawling city below and thought about how to scale a real estate business? Picture each twinkling light as an opportunity. Imagine reaching out and turning those opportunities into tangible assets. We’re not talking just adding another property or two to your portfolio. We’re discussing strategic […]

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How To Scale A Professional Services Business

Ever felt like your professional services business is on a treadmill? You’re running hard but not really getting anywhere? You’re not alone. In fact, most businesses hit this wall at some point. Scaling a professional services business can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. You know you need to reach the top, but the […]

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How To Scale A Product Based Business

Imagine for a moment, you’ve baked the most delicious batch of cookies. Friends and family are raving about them – they can’t get enough! Suddenly, you see an opportunity to turn your cookie baking skills into a thriving business. But here’s the question: how do you take that small kitchen operation and scale it up […]

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How To Scale A Pressure Washing Business

Ever stared at a grimy driveway, wishing you could just wash away the years of dirt and wear? If so, then you’re not alone. In fact, there’s an entire industry dedicated to this very task: pressure washing. How to scale a pressure washing business, however, is where things get interesting. Sure, anyone can buy some […]

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How To Scale A Photography Business

Ever tried to scale a photography business? You may feel like you’re trying to capture the perfect shot in total darkness. It’s not just about clicking away at your camera, right? It can be a challenging undertaking, deeper than what meets the eye. The complexity of this task can make it seem as daunting as […]

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How To Scale A Personal Training Business

Have you ever wondered how to scale a personal training business? Maybe it’s the whisper of potential success, or perhaps it’s that unmistakable itch for growth. Either way, scaling your business is like climbing Mount Everest—it’s an exhilarating challenge filled with numerous pitfalls and thrilling triumphs. We’re talking about multiplying earnings without significantly increasing workload—no […]

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How To Scale A Painting Business

Ever thought about turning a blank canvas into a masterpiece of profit? That’s exactly what scaling your painting business feels like. The colors, the strokes, the vision – they all play an essential role. You may be wondering, how to scale a painting business? Well, each artist has their own approach to making art – […]

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How To Scale A Marketplace Business

Ever thought about how an online flea market turns into a bustling global bazaar? Picture it. The hum of conversation, the colorful variety of products, and eager customers haggling for deals. This imagery is what many dream their marketplace businesses could be like – teeming with activity and thriving on connections. Realizing the dream of […]

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How To Scale A Manufacturing Business

Have you ever observed the process of a hot air balloon being filled with gas and taking shape? One moment it’s an insignificant piece of fabric on the ground, and in no time, it expands into a majestic floating vessel. That’s what scaling your manufacturing business should feel like – expanding smoothly without adding undue […]

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How To Scale A Lawn Care Business

Ever wondered what it takes to transform a small, neighborhood lawn care business into a thriving enterprise? It’s like tending to your own backyard. You start with seeds of passion and commitment. You nurture them with hard work, add some technology for efficiency, and sprinkle in exceptional customer service. Then you watch as they sprout […]

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How To Scale A Jewelry Business

Ever wondered how a tiny sparkle could turn into a full-blown galaxy? Well, that’s what it feels like when you’re trying to figure out how to scale a jewelry business. The beauty of scaling is akin to the process of crafting an exquisite piece of jewelry. It requires precision, passion and persistence. You start with […]

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