3 Reasons Your Business Is Stagnant

Business growth typically isn’t a linear trajectory. There are many ups and downs, and often we may even find our growth stagnant. So today, I wanted to share with you three reasons why your business growth might be at a standstill and discuss ways that you can get things moving in the right direction again. A Lack of Strategic…

Confessions of a Micromanager

We all know that deep down micromanaging is bad for our businesses. Yet many, like myself, still struggle with the very real urge to take control and handle things ourselves. So we have to ask ourselves, what drives this behavior? Why do rational people choose to micromanage, even when faced with the inevitable truth of the…

3 Signs You Have Control Issues

As a business coach, I am in the business of helping business owners overcome hurdles and help them grow their businesses faster than they thought possible. And as such, I have seen my share of leadership issues and problems. And if I had to pinpoint one issue that causes the most problems for business owners-…