4 Things You Should Be Streamlining in Your Marketing Department

Over the past 25 years, I have helped thousands of business owners grow their businesses and build systems that allow their business to thrive even when they aren’t in the office. And one of the easiest ways to achieve this kind of growth has to do with the creation and implementation of universal business systems,…

3 Tips for Using an Assistant to Help With Your Email Inbox

If you want to grow and scale your business, you must focus on tasks that bring the most value and growth to your bottom line. Unfortunately, there’s one thing that you do every single day that takes up 28 percent of your workday–that’s 2.6 hours a day. We are talking about email. But, thankfully, that’s 2.6 hours of your…

How to Stop Wasting Money on Failed Business Experiments

When it comes to business, experimenting and trying new things comes with the territory. The best companies will A/B test their headlines, their website graphics, and their email subject lines. They will run marketing campaigns to new demographics and launch new products. There are a million different ways that your business can experiment to help…

3 Ways to Make Sure Your Entire Team Is Working Toward the Same Goals

As a business owner, you likely have several large projects in the works, a new product or service launch right around the corner, a few employee issues that need addressing, payroll due on Friday, and three customers who are past due on their payments– and that is just a typical Tuesday. Despite your best efforts, juggling all of…