Leaders Are Only as Good as the Executive Team. Here’s How to Get the Right One Assembled

As a business coach for more than 25 years, I get the unique opportunity of talking to thousands of business owners every year. I get to hear what is working for them and what isn’t, and over time you start noticing patterns that can help predict whether someone’s business is on the right track for…

The Key to Keeping Your Business Up and Running When You Are Short Staffed

Finding yourself short staffed right now? You’re not alone. Millions of business owners across the country are struggling to keep their businesses running while dealing with a large number of call outs from their staff. While this certainly makes business more difficult, there is something that you can start doing right now that will ease…

2 Hiring Lessons Many Learned the Hard Way This Year (and How to Get Around Them in 2022)

This past year, we leaders learned how to grow and scale our businesses during some really difficult challenges. We struggled with supply issues and we dealt with long lead times and increased prices. Most of all, we learned just how difficult hiring and retaining good talent can be. I have spoken with many business owners over this past…