Free Up Your To-Do List By Letting Your Team Manage Themselves. Here’s How

Hiring employees is supposed to free up your time. The goal is after we get past the initial hump of recruiting and onboarding, that having that extra person on the team will help free up your time to do more higher level tasks. That is the goal at least. But for many business owners, managing…

The Most Common Reasons Your Customers Say No–and How to Get Them to Say Yes

Every product or service that a company sells to a specific target market carries with it predictable, specific and repeatable sales obstacles that you must learn to effectively deal with and overcome. Understanding the possible reasons for a “No” during the sales process, will go a long way to increasing the number of times you…

Entrepreneurs May Be Particularly Susceptible to Shiny Object Syndrome. Here’s How to Cure It.

“I have a great idea for a new business or product!” It’s a statement that I hear almost every day, and for the majority of business owners, it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Let me explain. I coach business owners who have been in business for several years. They have a product or service that…

3 Essential Things You Should Look At When Creating a Quarterly Business Strategy

The most successful business owners set aside time each quarter to plan out their goals and action steps for the upcoming quarter. Not only does this allow you to focus your energy and attention on the things that propel your company forward, but it will also help you strategize the best way to leverage your team to reach your goals….

The Difference Between Strategic and Non-Strategic Spending and Why It Matters

When it comes to spending money in your business, not all expenses are created equal.  In your business there are certain areas where a small investment can make a leveraged return and there are other areas where a big investment can be a waste of money. The flip side of that is there are places and times…

Entrepreneurship Is One of the Loneliest Professions. Here’s the Best Way to Find Community

Over the last 25 years, I have worked with and coached thousands of business owners to help them grow and scale their businesses. I have helped entrepreneurs, just like you, learn how to systemize their growth, take control of their finances, make smarter business decisions and hire more efficiently. But all of that pales in comparison to…