The Gold Standard of Hiring Practices (Here’s How to Do It the Right Way)

I‘ve shared a lot of tips and tricks about finding and hiring good talent recently, and the topic has resonated with a lot of you. The job market is competitive right now and there are more job openings than applicants, which can make it really difficult to find the right person for a particular position….

Three Reasons Why You May Be Having Trouble Finding A New Hire

Are you looking to fill a position or two this quarter? You aren’t alone. For many small- to medium-size business owners, the struggle to find high-quality prospects is very real. As a business coach for over 25 years, I’ve helped thousands of business owners find talent for their businesses and have had the pleasure of…

How to Cut Your To-Do List in Half While Creating More Value for Your Business

As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities. And if you are like many of the clients I coach, your to-do list is extensive and filled with meetings and other responsibilities. It’s easy to get caught up in your task list, and to feel overwhelmed and anxious. But what if I told you that very little of that…

The Top 3 Things You Should Have A Recruiter Help With (and What You Can Do Yourself)

We have talked a lot about hiring and finding good prospects lately and the topic has resonated with quite a few of you. We are all looking for ways to tap into the talent pool and find good, quality prospects. Today, I wanted to go into a little more depth about what it’s like to…

Stop Trusting Your Gut When It Comes to Hiring and Other Common Interview Mistakes

The labor market is tight right now, and as such a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs are struggling to find good talent for their businesses. And even if you enlist the help of a recruiter to find your candidates, at some point you are going to have to interview the top contenders themselves, and…

Trying to Hire Someone Who Isn’t Actively Job Searching? Here’s How to Grab Their Attention

The labor market is tight right now, and the candidate pool is shrinking by the day. It seems like everyone has a job, and in order to find and recruit good talent you have to figure out a strategy on how to lure them away from their current position. As a business owner, this can…