You Spent Almost 2 Months in Meetings This Past Year. (Here’s What You Should Have Been Doing Instead)

“Let’s set up a meeting.” The statement itself seems harmless enough, but for the majority of us, the mere mention of yet another meeting is enough to send you off the deep end. It has been estimated that executives can be in meetings for up to 23 hours per week on average. And business owners…

Stop Interviewing Every Candidate the Same Way. Here’s How to Tailor Your Interview to Fit the Position

For a majority of business owners, hiring and finding great talent is one of the most difficult parts of owning a business. You know the basics of hiring and have read all you can on the topic to help prevent the common hiring mistakes. But you may still struggle when it comes to your particular…

The Top 4 Reasons Why Your Team Blames You for Their Lack of Downtime

As a business owner, you are tired and overworked. This is nothing new. For many entrepreneurs, an 80-plus hour workweek is to be expected and anything less is a rarity. While I have a lot to say on that topic, today I want to address something else about your workaholic tendencies. Something you might not even…

How to Start a Presentation

We’ve all had to give a presentation on something at some point in our lives. Whether we’re learning how to become a public speaker or just needing to give a small presentation on something at work, chances are, we’ll be needing to speak on something at some point. For many of us, this presents a…

How To End a Speech

Endings are tough for many of us. Whether it’s the end of a nice vacation away or the perfect date, the end can feel anywhere from uncomfortable to disappointing. When you’re giving a speech, you’ll want to end it on a high note. But how can you do that without missing something important or making…

The Easiest (and Often Overlooked) Way to Create a Good Company Culture

Creating a company culture that propels your business forward is one of the most worthwhile tasks a business owner can do. If done correctly, your employees will know how to handle tough situations with ease, without you having to micromanage them every step of the way. So today, I wanted to address one of the easiest…

Public Speaking Tips

At some point or another, most of us find ourselves needing to speak in front of a crowd. Some of us delight in public speaking while others view it as an anxiety-inducing event. Some of us only need to do it a few times for presentations while others pursue public speaking as a career. Whatever…