Poorly Run Meetings Can Cost You Thousands of Dollars Each Year. Here’s How to Fix Them

How many meetings have you attended this week? This month? If you are like most business owners, the answer is too many. In my own business coaching firm, I sat down and crunched the numbers on our bimonthly executive meeting, and the results were eye-opening. Every two weeks my executive team and I meet via conference…

How to find a business mentor

These days, it seems like business owner is talking about finding a business mentor and the importance of having an experienced mentor. An entrepreneur mentor is essential when an entrepreneur is wondering how to scale a business. There are websites, blogs, podcasts, radio, and television programs popping up all around the globe talking about business…

Where to Find a Business Advisor

Planning, projecting, managing employees, tracking and increasing sales, designing and implementing marketing strategies…are just some of the things on the to-do list never ends for business owners, especially for startups, small companies, or companies who are focused on growing quickly. Sometimes it feels like you’ll never be able to get everything done without four hands…

How One CEO Grew Her Business by 300% While Caring For A Sick Family Member

Three years ago,  my company was hosting an awards dinner for our business coaching clients. There at the banquet were the CEOs and owners of over a hundred companies from around the world. One of the final awards we gave that evening was to a quiet woman named Tina, who along with her husband, Matthew,…

Successful Entrepreneurs Take This Number of Vacations Every Year. Here’s Why

“David, I was wondering what is the number of vacations that a successful entrepreneur should take in a YEAR in order to maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit (i.e., ideal self-care)?” I recently received this question from a business coaching client, and I wanted to share the answer with my readers. It’s More Than…

Business Coaching: a Guide to Everything You Need to Know About Finding the Right Fit

If you’ve decided to hire a business coach, but are having trouble knowing where to start, this article is for you. If you’re wondering what exactly a business coach does and how it can benefit your business, you might want to check out this article before continuing.  Hiring a business coach will expedite the growth…