The Freedom Formula: Available Now!

How To Succeed In Business Without Sacrificing Your Family, Health or Life BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL COMPANY AND CAREER DOESN’T MEAN SACRIFICING YOUR FAMILY, HEALTH, OR LIFE. You check email the moment you lift your head off the pillow in the morning. You bring work with you on vacation, sneak glances at your smart phone during…

Can’t Stop Micromanaging? Here Are 6 Things to Do to Ease Your Worries

Being a great boss, takes a lot of time and effort. You want to coach your staff for development, help them recognize their successes and give them the tools and guidance to reach their company goals. But what happens when the best intentions turn out to be micromanaging? You may set out to help mentor…

How to Quiet the Anxious Voice in Your Head and Enjoy Running Your Business

Stress and anxiety are a way of life for most business owners. You have staff, customers and vendors all relying on you to be successful and grow your business.  And that little voice in your head will remind you that at every turn. If you find yourself struggling to turn that voice off and get…

Why You Need an Exit Strategy, Even If You Plan on Owning Your Business Forever

To a new business owner the words “Exit Strategy” are akin to “quitting.” The majority of new small to medium business owners are so wrapped up in the passionate phase of growing and scaling their businesses, getting out doesn’t even cross their mind. They have a romantic notion that they will still be actively working…