6 Time Mastery Strategies to Free Up a Full Day Each Week to Build Your Business

We recently did a survey of business owners of companies with under $50 million per year in sales. One of the questions we asked them was what was the single biggest reason why you haven’t been able to grow your company as fast as you would have liked. One of the biggest limiting factors holding these business owners and their companies back was the shortage of time (35% of the respondents).

How to Pinpoint the Real Cause of Your Cash Flow Challenge

Over the past twenty years I’ve coached thousands of companies in dozens of industries. One of the most common reasons someone reaches out to my company, Maui Mastermind, to help them scale their business is a painful cash flow challenge. Here is the diagnostic process we’ve refined over the years to help pinpoint the precise…

Reactivating Former Clients (a simple way to immediately boost your sales)

Dr. Kim had owned two successful dental clinics for over a decade by the time she became a business coaching client. Over the years competition had gotten stiffer, resulting in periods when one or both of her two clinics suffered low patient volume. Because there was no pattern to these ebbs and flows of patient…

Is Your Company Lying to Itself?

This past weekend I was leading a leadership retreat for business owners and CEOs when the topic of “strategy” came up. It’s been my experience that there are two layers to strategy. Layer one is your “stated” strategy. This is where you say you company will invest its best time, attention, talent, and money to…

7 Business Partnership Lessons Every Entrepreneur Must Master

Are you thinking about staring a business partnership? Or formalizing a strategic relationship? Here are seven of the most critical lessons to consider before you finalize the deal. Lesson One: Only bring on a formal partner if that is the only way you can gain the talent, resources, or other element from your prospective partner….

Business Owner Gut Check: 3 Ways You Are Pissing Off Your Employees (And what to do about it)

An international study by the Center for Creative Leadership titled, Always On, Never Done?, which surveyed professionals, executives and managers in the U.S. and 36 other countries found that the average respondent works a whopping 72 hours or more a week. And who do you think they blame for the stress and overload from their…

Business Advice: The Top 20 Financial Controls to Protect Your Company from Fraud, Theft, and Embezzlement

In my last article I shared some business advice with our readers. Three time-tested, broad-stroke strategies to protect your company from fraud and embezzlement. Let’s dive deeper into the nitty-gritty details of financial controls. Here are the top 20 financial controls to safeguard your company and protect your bottom line. I’ve divided these powerful suggestions…