3 Time-Tested Strategies to Protect Your Company from Fraud and Embezzlement

Karl (not his real name) ran a successful medical group specializing in elder care in the Midwest. Smart and hardworking, Karl was like a lot of small business owners we know. He was focused on the operational side of his business, in his case the practice of medicine, and didn’t pay close attention to the…

7 Simple Leadership Habits that Will Raise the Bar at Your Company

I’m sure you’ve read articles about the importance of “culture” to shape the behaviors of your employees. One of my favorite descriptions of company culture was as “the invisible hand that shapes team behavior when there is no defined process or system to tell them what to do.” But understanding the concept of culture doesn’t…

What’s Your Biggest Time Waster at Work (And How to Increase Productivity)

How to Increase Productivity What’s Your Biggest Time Waster at Work? What is your biggest productivity killer at work? Is it: A. Phone calls? B. Meetings? C. Email? D. Staff interruptions? If you are anything like the 353 U.S. business owners my company Maui Mastermind surveyed you’re likely answer is “email” (57%), followed by either…

7 Simple Leadership Habits that Will Raise the Bar at Your Company

I’m sure you’ve read articles about the importance of “culture” to shape the behaviors of your employees. One of my favorite descriptions of company culture was as “the invisible hand that shapes team behavior when there is no defined process or system to tell them what to do.” But understanding the concept of culture doesn’t…

CEO Tips: The 5 Secrets of Today’s Billionaires (and what they have to teach you about producing more with less)

The world today is different in many ways, one key way is how the most successful business leaders have learned to break the chain between one hour of time worked and one unit of value created. Time cards and grueling days don’t help business leaders create value. We create value by what we do with…