The Power of the Written Trail: The 2 Key Filters You Must Write for When You’re Documenting Your Files

I wanted to follow up on an earlier article on the ten stupidest things business people do that get them sued with a simple practice that will help keep you safer – documenting your files. In the old world this often meant crafting “cover yourself” memos for your physical files, but in today’s world this…

Team Motivation: Stop Demotivating Your Team and Help them Feel Their Successes

“David, you’re never satisfied with the work I do. It’s just like with my dad, you’re never happy.” Those were the words I heard from a key team member 7 years ago now, and they stung. I wanted to be an enlightened boss and saw myself as an empowering leader. But here was direct evidence…

What’s Your Biggest Time Waster at Work (and what to do about it)

In a recent survey of 353 business owners in the United States, my company Maui Mastermind asked them, “What is your single biggest time waster and interrupter in your business life?” The results were clear, email came out the single biggest time waster and interruption by a factor of three to one. 57 percent of…

Strategic Planning: 4 tips and 37 Questions to Start Your Year Off Right

I was talking with Jim, owner of a $50 million per year boutique private equity company that we coach about the coming year. As we clarified the most important initiatives and goals for his company this year what became clear to me was that every company needed to go through this same clarifying and focusing…

Leadership Training: 7 Leadership Habits to Take Your Company to the Next Level

Leadership Training: One of our biggest responsibilities as a leader of a company is to help intentionally shape our company culture. Your leadership habits have an oversize impact on the culture you’re creating.  Your team watches everything you do. Even when you think no one is looking, everyone is. Here are 7 leadership habits that…