Business Advice: 5 Ways Your P&L Lies (and why it might cause your business to fail)

“David,” Tina said [actual business coaching client, but not her real name], “We’re really struggling to meet our payables this month but we have over $700,000 in profit year-to-date, how can this be happening to us? This is not something we’ve experienced before. Do you have any business advice?” That’s when I had to share…

Escaping the Feast or Famine Cycle: How to Get Your Service Business Past this Recurring Plateau and on the Path to Truly Scale

Don ran a successful engineering firm with revenues of roughly $1 million annually. But he had been stuck at this level for over a decade. “David,” he said, “We go out and respond to RFPs and take past clients out to lunch to reconnect, which generates a ton of new business for us. But then…

Five Concrete Steps to Lay the Foundation for Your Business Culture

I’ve been starting and scaling companies for 20 years now. And over that time I’ve coached hundreds of entrepreneurs to successfully scale their companies too. I believe strongly in well-designed processes and replicable business systems. But what happens when someone on your team faces a novel situation that just isn’t “covered” in the systems that…