5 Tips to Being an Effective CEO

Brian grew up in business. His dad, Ronnie, started the manufacturing firm, his mom, Marge, ran much of the administrative and financial aspects of the company, and family life revolved around the company. Brian studied engineering and earned his degree. After college he came back home and went to work for the family business, quickly…

10 Tips to Successfully Step Into the “Chairman’s” Role versus the CEO’s More Active Role

When I first started coaching Tom his business was stuck at the $5 million per year revenue marker. The biggest reason for that was that Tom had built his company around himself. He made the key decisions, he approved the daily work, he managed the staff. He used his team to leverage himself, but he…

Coherence – A Secret Ingredient to Aligning Goals, Priorities, Actions, and Attention

What if there was a magic concept that you could employ that would powerfully align your company’s goals, priorities, actions, and culture? In other words, your company would invest its best resources in alignment with its top goals. And each of your team would act daily in accordance with these priorities, letting these priorities and…