Want Your Business to Run Itself? Put These 36 Systems In Place
Want to Scale Your Business and Have More Free Time? Make Sure You Have a Process for These 36 Things. One of the most powerful operational secrets we have discovered after decades of helping our business coaching clients is the concept of a “UBS”.
Are you tired of working 70 hour work weeks? Do you feel like you are putting out the same fires day in and day out? Chances are you are! Many of our coaching clients come to us with successful businesses, but they worry about their ability to scale and grow since they are at the center of their businesses success. They know that many of the day-to-day processes and procedures will remain a mystery if they go MIA.
Anyone that has had to run payroll from the beach can tell you….there has to be a better way.
Some of our clients come to us with a “policies and procedures” manual and still struggle to get their team on board. They have hundred page manuals that go universally ignored within the company. So the idea of “systemizing” their business is often a hard sell for some of our business coaching clients, because they have attempted it in the past and failed.
But a “UBS” is a powerful operational secret that many don’t know about.
UBS stands for your “Ultimate Business System,” and it is the master system for how you structure, organize, store, access, refine, and, if need be, delete, your company’s systems.
More importantly, your UBS is the doorway through which you can move your team to start making systems a daily conversation and discipline inside your company.
Think of your UBS as an organized collection of tools that captures the actual, everyday know-how of your business in a searchable, accessible, and editable way. These tools are held inside a simple structure of file folders, generally on a cloud-based system. These tools include things like your checklists, spreadsheets, proposal templates, training videos, sample marketing pieces, etc.
Here are 36 things that you should have UBS’s for in your own business.
Sales & Marketing:
- Email best practices
- Social media posting best practices
- Lead generation
- Lead management
- Campaign best practices/checklists
- Website controls and processes
- Events- live, virtual, appreciation, etc
- Complaints & Compliments
- Monthly/Bi-weekly KPI Reporting
- Passwords/security protocols
- Website/technology updates
- Deposits
- Payroll
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable
- Collections
- Purchase orders
- Expense reports/travel
- Budgeting
- Cash-flow management
Human Resources:
- Recruitment and Hiring
- On-boarding/orientation
- On-going training
- Benefits
- Exit interview/process
- Labor compliance
- Meetings
- Reporting
- Inventory
- Production
- Fulfillment
- Facilities/Infastructure
- Strategic Planning
- Leadership Development/Succession Planning
- Company Culture and Traditions
- Communications Company-wide
The key to a successful UBS lies in its creation. As a business owner, you may be tempted to lock yourself in your office and whip up these 36 processes and procedures before sending them out in a mass email to your team.
Instead, enlist the help of your team. Let them have ownership of their own UBS’s and encourage them to keep them updated as software and processes change over time. Not only will you have a much more accurate procedural process but they will be more likely to adopt a system if they created it themselves. The general rule of thumb is, if you have to do something more than once it should be documented in a UBS.