Business Coaching

Build A Business… Not A Job.

Discover Why Our Business Coaching Clients Are Raving…

“The Most Valuable 90 Minutes I’ve Spent on My Business…”

Work Less. More Profit.

Build A BetterStrongerMore Profitable Business Without
Sacrificing Your Time, Freedom, Or Life!

100% FREE no-obligation, no-strings-attached coaching session
We’ll help you identify the vital few things you must get right to grow your business and get your life back!

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We’ve helped our long-term business coaching clients grow their companies 5X faster than the average privately held company In North America, while reducing their working hours by 20+ hours/week.

Be honest. Did you start a business only to devote 100% of your time, energy, and effort just to keep it afloat?

Do you feel:

  • Trapped inside your job as the owner?
  • Like your business owns you?
  • Pressure, anxiety…like it’s all on your shoulders?
  • Like you never have enough time to get things done?
  • Overwhelmed…with too much to do every single day?
  • Stuck in survival mode…unsure of how to grow?
  • Like your business would crash without you there?

If so, you’re not alone.

In fact, according to a US Census Bureau study, 88.6% of businesses in the U.S. require the owner to be there day in, day out to manage their business.

Plus, the average small business owner works 52-hours a week, and over 57% of them work 6-days a week, and more than 20% work every single day.

88.6% of businesses in the U.S. require the owner to be there day in, day out to manage their business.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be that way.

You don’t have to sacrifice your health, your lifestyle, time with your family, or the freedom to do the things you love at the expense of slow growth or–worse–keeping your business in survival mode. With the right systems, team, internal controls, and company culture, you CAN rapidly scale your business and achieve double the growth and profitability while reducing your personal working hours and reducing your company’s reliance on you-the owner.

To Profit More & Work Less, You Need Strategic Depth

Strategic Depth answers the question that most business owners simply don’t have an answer to:

“Could my business continue to thrive without me there?”

Strategic Depth gives your company both the staying power and scalability to compound your results by building on a secure base.

It’s the systems, team, and internal controls we help you develop that protects you from the stress, fear, and anxiety of being totally reliant on you–the owner–or a single key player.

It gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you and your team won’t face the excruciating situation of having to put work needs in front of your most important family and personal needs.

With Strategic Depth in place, our clients regularly:

  • Scale their companies 5-times faster than the average business
  • Increase profitability by 5X or 10X+
  • Command a premium on their multiple when they go to sell that makes their business millions of dollars more valuable

And they do it WITHOUT working harder, longer hours, or continually hitting a ceiling of productivity.

The structured methodology of our coaching system allows our clients to reduce their working hours by half or more, allowing them more stress-free time for REAL vacations, family, hobbies, and a healthy lifestyle entirely independent of work.

Here’s the thing: this doesn’t have to be difficult.

To grow your business to the level you desire you need to focus on LESS.

But what you FOCUS on must matter more.

More hours, more effort, and more control inevitably lead to frustration, burnout, and stagnant growth.

If you want to grow–and eventually–sell a highly-profitable business that doesn’t rely on you for day-to-day operations, it’s not about MORE–it’s about BETTER.

Better choices, better focus, better alignment.

Our process has been proven with over 100,000 clients to grow their business the right way, become owner-independent, and increase Strategic Depth quarter by quarter, year after year using a clear framework and hands-on business coaching and accountability from our expert business advisors.

These are regular business owners–real people–just like you, who’ve been able to free themselves from the weight of their “job” and build real, highly-profitable businesses and create FREEDOM in their lives.

 Serious business owners of companies in the $1-25 million revenue range, who feel trapped inside their business. You want to scale, but don’t know how.

 Successful business owners who are so busy dealing with the day-to-day operating of their business that it snuck up on them just how owner-reliant their company is. They are literally one health challenge or accident away from losing everything.

 Owners of rapidly scaling companies who need the systems, people, and processes to enable them to continue to grow.

We are NOT a guru-centered company

All of our business coaches have personally built and scaled multimillion dollar businesses before joining our team. Over the past 20-years, our Maui coaching and advisor team have collectively scaled over $62 billion of businesses. This allows them to give our clients the outside perspective and counsel needed to build a more successful business–without having to go through all the painful trial and error themselves.

We are NOT theory-based

Our systems-driven processes are concrete and actionable with measurable results calculated every step of the way. We help our clients increase revenues and profits, while at the same time making their company less dependent on them, the owner. We are not academics, we’re experienced business people who have started, scaled, and sold multiple ventures, and helped our clients do the exact same thing.

We are NOT a “silver bullet” or “magic pill”

The reason why our clients stay with us for years, many for 5-10+ years, is because they are playing the long-game of compound growth. You can’t build an exit-stage company in 90-days or even 6-months, so if you’re looking for fast cash or an “easy button”–our coaching is not for you.

Most business owners never cross the finish line. They operate strictly in the present without looking ahead to the possibilities of the future.

They think the goal of their business is to have something that allows them to make a comfortable living–rather than building something a company that can thrive and continue to profit–independent of them.

The result: most business owners become stuck–unable to break free and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes from building their company the right way.

For over a decade, we’ve helped countless business owners and entrepreneurs make the leap from owner/operator to CEO and build businesses they can continue to scale, sell, or passively own.

Our typical client reduces their working time to 10-20 hours per week while doubling (or better) their business profitability, trajectory, and maturity.


Thousands of our clients have already created predictable, stress-free growth in their business and won their lives back…and now we want to help you too.

This is an actual working session with one of our expert business coaches, each of whom plays a pivotal role in the growth strategy and accountability with our private Business Coaching clients.

We’ll conduct a 60-90 minute deep-dive on your business to identify what’s working, what’s not, and what you can start focusing on and eliminating TODAY to begin creating Strategic Depth within your business and reducing your business’ reliance on you.

If you’re even remotely interested in unearthing the well of potential your business has to profit and grow while creating REAL time freedom for you to live your life…


Please schedule your complimentary strategy session with one of our business coaches today.

This session will be done as if you were one of our clients. IF at the end of the call you’re curious about what it’s like to join our coaching program, we’ll discuss that opportunity with you.

“Three years ago, I made the decision to start the coaching program at a time in my business when it was really a stretch for me financially. I saw the value and realized that if I kept doing my business the way I had previously, I was going to stay stuck because I was maxed out in terms of my time. The program and community have been so important for me! Over the past three years, my company has doubled in size and profitability, and this never would have happened without Maui.”

– Julie Kern, Bridge Financial Strategies

“Ten years ago, before joining the coaching program, life for me at my web hosting company, Hostek, was filled with 16–18-hour days, seven days a week. Vacation for me back then was taking my family to Busch Gardens for the day and working from a bench while my family rode the rides. I made the leap to join the program in 2012. Since that time, the program helped me to 10x my company while at the same time reducing my work week to 20-25 hours a week.
One year ago, I sold my company for a price that would have been unimaginable for me when I started this journey. I could not have done what I did without the Maui program and community.
My advice to you is to stay the course and follow the program. The structured approach and consistent accountability will give you compounded gains over the years. One day you’ll wake up to a business you never thought possible like I did, that’s the power of working the program over time.”

–Brian Anderson

“I joined the business coaching program a decade ago while I was building my software company, FabSuite. At the time, FabSuite was the typical middle stage Level Two business. It worked well, as long as I was there to actively manage it. But prior to the program we weren’t growing as fast as I wanted. We had hit a plateau. The program gave me the mechanics, accountability, and sounding board to build a better company. Over the next seven years we tripled the business. Two years ago I sold the company for many times what I thought I’d ever be able to sell it for, and Maui was a key part of what made that possible. Since that sale, I’ve started three more companies and I’m still part of the coaching program. It’s a winning formula that has proved its worth to me over many years.”

– Bill Issler

“If you are working 50, 60, 70 hours a week, Maui Mastermind will help you get your life back while helping your business grow. We’ve tripled our operating profit and I work far fewer hours today than I did before joining the Maui program seven years ago”

– Brian Thomson

“Maui Mastermind helped me to develop the systematic processes to grow sales and improve the operations of my business.”

– Dana Smith

“Here I am 7 years later and my company has grown four-fold to over $20 million a year in sales, and over $3 million in profits – and best of all, I’m literally not needed to do anything for the business any more.”

– Tom Santilli
xByte Technologies