Your Invitation to the Maui Mastermind® Business Success Summit
It’s an event so popular that it’s sold out up to a year in advance.
So exclusive that participants go through two interviews before they even get an invitation.
So powerful that the participants willingly pay the $40,000 ticket price and return…year after year after year.
And each year a select handful of entrepreneurs, investors, and committed wealth builders meet in Hawaii for this transformational five and a half day mastermind experience. Come learn more about this magical experience, and how you might be able to qualify to join us.
This could be the beginning of the next phase in your life!
November 9-14th, 2025
Location: Wailea Beach Resort, Maui, Hawaii
What’s stopping you from enjoying all the wealth and freedom that you’ve always wanted?
What have been the real roadblocks keeping you from achieving more, enjoying more, sharing more, and creating more?
More wealth… more time… more impact… more freedom…?
Over the past decade, I’ve worked with over 200,000 clients, helping them to grow their companies and create wealth. I’ve worked with some of the country’s wealthiest individuals, and I’ve worked with some of its “down and outers.” Over this extended time, a distinct and surprising pattern has emerged about what it really takes to be wealthy.
“I used to think it was…”
You see, once upon a time, I thought that the amount of wealth you created was determined by your level of education. But it’s not. I could tell you about dozens of Maui Mastermind® clients who barely made it out of high school. Their lack of education didn’t stop them from achieving their financial dreams.
For example, one of my clients who has a net worth over $50 million recently shared with me that he barely graduated with a 1.9 GPA. And yet today, he is in the top 1% of 1% of wealthy individuals in the world with a 7-figure passive, residual income.
Not bad for a guy whose school peers thought he’d never be successful.
I’m not knocking formal education. We’ve had plenty of highly educated participants attend our Business Success Summit. People like Adam, an eye-surgeon with years of formal education and training. Adam is a 4-time Business Success Summit graduate who runs a highly lucrative surgical practice that has multiple profit centers. Plus, he is also a successful real estate investor.
My real point is that formal education is in no way predictive of financial success.
Also, once upon a time, I thought financial success was dependent on picking the right industry or profession to go into. But it’s not. I could tell you about hundreds of clients who made their fortunes in mundane, ordinary, and even “looked down upon” businesses.
For example, I’ve got a Business Success Summit graduate Tom, who’s made a fortune selling scrapped computer parts. Dahlia, another Business Success Summit graduate, has made millions fixing up run down houses with her husband.
You see, none of these things are the real root of why some people are able to create massive wealth and other people work hard all their lives, only to end up financially mediocre.
After analyzing fifteen years’ worth of client results, and testing my findings to verify them, I have found that there are three major obstacles that you must overcome in order to reach your financial goals. If you don’t successfully deal with these three obstacles, you’ll be forever locked into settling. Settling for less than you can earn, settling for less than you deserve, and settling for less than you were meant to have.
In this special report I’m going to boil this pattern down into a simple, concrete format so that you can learn what these three wealth obstacles are. More importantly, you’ll be able to use these insights to create wealth breakthroughs and enjoy lasting financial freedom.
If you take nothing else from this special report, please take this: my wealthiest, happiest clients all found ways to effectively overcome these three wealth obstacles.
Failing to effectively deal with even one of them can relegate you to a life of financial mediocrity and struggle.
But before I lay out all three obstacles, I need to ask you a very important question.
Are You Ready to Be Wealthy?
Are you ready to start enjoying large infusions of cash and the accumulation of a vibrant and expanding balance sheet?
Crazy as it seems, most people I meet aren’t ready to be wealthy.
They make excuses, not money.
They prefer to hide from their problems rather than face those problems head on.
They hold everyone but themselves accountable for their current financial situations.
And because of this, they never build wealth.
They may make a lot of money, but they spend that money on an ever-increasing lifestyle cost, never actually growing their net worth.
Over the last decade, I’ve seen how the Business Success Summit graduates became wealthy by digging deep and taking full ownership of their lives.
I’m going to make the assumption that you are one of these kinds of people—that you take responsibility for your life. You don’t make excuses. You make decisions and get results.
If that’s not you, then please don’t read any further, because you’ll only find this blunt, direct information frustrating. You just wouldn’t be ready to handle it.
If and only if you’re the type of person who is a doer—who looks life squarely in the eye and does whatever it takes within the parameters of your deep values to reach your dreams and achieve your goals—only if you’re this type of person do I recommend you keep reading. For you, this report will confirm what in your heart of hearts you know to be true about building wealth.
You’ll be able to take these three obstacles and use them as stepping stones to reach your financial goals. Because, unless you find a way under, over, or through these three barriers to financial success, you’re doomed to a life of financial struggle.
Think about it for a moment. Most people never reach even halfway to their financial dreams… not even a quarter of the way…They end up settling for so much less than they deserve…
But you’re different, and now is your chance to prove it by how you face…
Listen to What Our Maui Grads are Saying About the Impact of the Business Success Summit Event
November 9-14th, 2025
Location: Wailea Beach Resort, Maui, Hawaii
What If You Are One Mastermind Group Away From Everything You’ve Ever Wanted in Life?
I was sitting down at a private mastermind session with six business owners. We were three blocks away from one of the prettiest beaches in the United States, sharing the intimate details of our companies, our investments, and our personal lives. And the feedback we gave each other was priceless.
This is why over twenty years now, I’ve regularly taken time away from my family and business to get on a plane and meet up with my mastermind group partners. They are an extraordinary group of individuals.
Collectively, they’ve built hundreds of millions of dollars of businesses in very different industries, raised households of children, and known the joys and struggles of keeping a marriage vibrant and alive over a lifetime.
As we were sitting there, one of them said to the group, “I think the biggest thing for me in terms of financial and business success has been to see how much of the game of money happens in the head of the entrepreneur.”
That sparked forty-five minutes of discussion, with each of us sharing our experiences about precisely how we saw this simple truth play out in our own lives and the lives of the people we knew.
For example, one mastermind partner shared that most people in his profession can’t see the economic value in their own businesses beyond the large salaries and active incomes that those businesses provide. He just shook his head in bewilderment because he’d personally increased his net worth by millions as he grew and matured his company in excess of the very healthy active income it generated each year.
He said, “It’s almost like they took a course in their professional training that said the business had no value other than the income it generated.”
This hit home for me because of what I watched my dad go through when he retired from medicine five years ago.
He literally walked away from his 7-figure practice without collecting on all the final receivables he was owed. He just turned over his practice to his three former partners without compensation. Crazy!
Now, my dad is an honorable, intelligent man who was a very gifted physician—the kind of doctor we all want when we’re dealing with a health challenge and feeling scared and vulnerable. He just never understood the concept of his practice having a business value, and he was uncomfortable discussing money and financial matters with his partners. So instead of negotiating a buy out for the practice value, he just walked away.
From the perspective of life satisfaction, you could say how wonderful for him he could just exit the business and move on to the next stage of his life. And that’s certainly true. But from a financial perspective, the way he left his practice was an expensive mistake, and he left quite a bit of money on the table—money that he had done thirty-four years of hard work to earn.
But he just couldn’t see the possibilities. And his own mental limitations literally cost him millions of dollars.
“How Can I Be a Part of the Maui Mastermind Business Success Summit?”
If my intuition is accurate and you’re still reading this, you might just be the kind of person we want to invite to join us for this exclusive week-long mastermind event.
If you are in fact the kind of committed, caring, success oriented, generous doer we are looking for then this will be your chance to meet and build deep relationships with some of the most amazing people on the planet.
Actual teaching time aside, can you imagine what you could learn hanging out for the afternoon with the other participants and advisors, and getting their one-to-one input on scaling your company and building your wealth?
We’ve already had the lion’s share of the limited spaces taken up by the 82 percent of graduates who signed up and paid to come back again this year.
We have a few remaining spaces for this soon-to-be sold-out event. (Each space includes you and your guest/partner.)
Here are the three bottom line facts about the Business Success Summit:
- First, the Business Success Summit is an exclusive week-long event that is only available to a select handful of our best clients and their partners. That’s it. And once these few remaining spaces are gone—and that will be very soon—then your window of opportunity will be gone.
- Second, the week isn’t cheap. At $40,000 per couple, it’s the most expensive, five-star event that we do, and we want it to stay that way. It’s the single best way we know that ALL of the people at the event are 100% committed to playing at the highest levels.
- Third, it’s only for the real doers out there who are committed to building something special out of their wealth building. This isn’t going to be a “seminar.” It will be an intensive networking and masterminding event during which we will actually be focusing on large breakthroughs.
You might ask why we’re limiting it to so few people, especially considering the fact that over 80 percent of last year’s Business Success Summit participants paid to come back again?
We’re being so careful to keep the event small because we understand, just like you do, that an event like this will be a huge success and produce incredible results ONLY as long as we restrict attendance to a small and carefully-selected group of high achievers.
In fact, while there will be advanced workshop sessions each day, I personally think the biggest benefit that you’ll get will come from the mastermind sessions with the other participants. That’s what the past Business Success Summit participants have told me again and again.
Remember, this event isn’t just about learning more “how to” techniques for build businesses and investing. Instead its about bringing just the right mix of people together, in a rich environment, to actively focus on building the relationships and game plan to build, enjoy, and share great wealth.
Ultimately, this is why we will only be inviting a few more people. We are only able to spend this time with the best of the best.
It’s not going to be cheap, but you wouldn’t want to be around people who couldn’t afford the $40,000 investment. That price tag ensures that every single person in the room will be serious about creating lasting wealth. This way you’ll only be with the real “doers” who make things happen.
In the words of one three-time Maui Business Success Summit grad, “The money was a big hurdle to get over initially, but the whole point of Maui is to really stretch yourself and get outside of your normal boundaries so that you can get to the next level. That [$40,000] is just one of the first stretches. The bottom line is that we met 80 people in Maui who were instant peers who had achieved a certain level of success. It was such an amazing experience that we signed up for the next year and will be back again this year too.”
When I asked Wendy, a former architect turned entrepreneur who’s been to Maui’s Business Success Summit four times now why she keeps coming back year after year she said, “Where else on earth can you hang out with such amazing people with such huge hearts wanting to make an incredible difference in the world?”
Christy, a four-time Business Success Summit grad from the South said, “It was worth every penny, and we have gained and given in many ways we never imagined.”
Or listen to another Maui Business Success Summit grad, Andy, when he shared his reaction to first hearing about Maui: “I hesitated when I first read about the event. I thought the price was extortionist. But after being there and experiencing it I now know its dirt cheap. The rewards are exponential. You just have to take the jump.