The Hiring Super Course

Concrete Tools to Hire Smarter and Orient Faster!

Virtual Event

June 18th – 20th– 25th, 2024

Session One: June 18th 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern (75 min session)

Session Two: June 18th 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern (75 min session)

Session Three: June 20th 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern (75 min session)

Session Four: June 20th 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern (75 min session)

Session Five: June 25th 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern (75 min session)

  • 1-888-889-0944 ext. 915

Concrete Tools to Hire Smarter and Orient Faster!

One of the core ingredients to building a successful company that can both scale and sustain that growth is your Team. In this powerful virtual advanced workshop you’ll get the bottom-line best ideas on how to find, hire, and onboard the talent you need.

If you’ve even fallen prey to the, “I have an opening so I’ll post an ad to find someone” model of hiring, then you’ll gain a whole new perspective on how to most effectively build your team.

In today’s competitive world, the best companies and most successful entrepreneurs all know that they need to shift to a model of building a talent bench well in advance of actually formally hiring a new team member.

Here is just a sampling of what you’ll learn:

  • How to create a Hiring Timeline to strategically map out who you need to hire, and when, over the next 18 months (including how best to calculate cash flow considerations and balance that against your bigger picture plans.)
  • The single biggest hiring mistake that nearly every company makes (this mistake happens before they even write their job ad!)
  • A new tool to lay out the four key components to know exactly who you are looking for with any new hire.
  • A simple technique to systematize your hiring process so that every hire becomes faster, easier, and better.
  • How to write the perfect job ad (including how you can avoid the 7 most common job ad mistakes.)
  • 12 tactics to cast your recruitment net to gather the richest candidate pool.
  • 3 technology tools to help you save money and still find better hires.
  • A little-known technique to use an “hourly” recruiter to help you find just the right candidates.
  • How to quickly screen applicants to determine who is worth taking a next step within 60 seconds or less.
  • 15 ways they’ll try to fool you with their resume, cover letter, and salary history.
  • How to actually read the true story behind their polished resume.
  • The 5 core principles to effectively interview a job applicant.
  • The 10 biggest interview mistakes many business owners make (and how this ends up costing them tens of thousands of dollars.)
  • 6 danger signs to look out for in any interview.
  • 5 questions you simply can’t ask in a job interview (the liability it just too high).
  • How to effectively use “Group Interviews” to let multiple people on your team help you find the right hire.
  • How to put together a fair, win-win compensation package that starts the relationship right.
  • 9 other ways you can “pay” your new hire other than money that most large corporations just can’t match.
  • A simple 4-step process to effectively onboard a new hire and get them producing fast.
  • How to systematize your orientation process so that each time you hire it takes less time and energy, yet still produces a better result.
  • How to “evergreen” your hiring efforts so that you are constantly recruiting great team members.
  • And much more.

Or Register by Phone: 1-888-889-0944 ext. 915

Listen to What Our Clients Say About Their Experiences with Our Workshops

“Great event! Everyone was so friendly and wonderful to connect with can’t wait for the next one!” – Ayasha Jones
“The content you will receive from this event is a game changer! The meaningful
connections you will make with fellow business owners who “get you” is so huge! These
events have grown me as a business owner to such a huge degree.” – Bret Taylor

“Before we got started in the program my wife and I were working 60-70 hour weeks and feeling
extreme stress. Since joining the program just one year ago we’ve knocked our workload down
significantly (in fact my wife Holly no longer works in the office) at the same time we’ve grown by over 50%. If you run a professional practice like we do and want help to grow your business the right way, sign up with Maui Mastermind today” -Tom Umbach

“I have never attended a Maui event that I didn’t think was worth the time, money and effort
exponentially.” – Linda Prinster

Or Register by Phone:
1-888-889-0944 ext. 915

Listen to What Our Clients Say About Their Experiences with Our Workshops

Who Should Attend the Hiring Super Course?

This workshop is a perfect training to bring your key managers and leaders to so that they can grow their base of skills and knowledge to help you scale. You’ll leave with dozens of concrete ideas to hire smarter, orient faster, and lead more effectively.


For the Maui Mastermind room block please call 1-800-445-8667

Register now to be part of this private business workshop so that you can gain the skills and strategies you need take your company to the next level.

Or just call our office to and we’ll take your registration by phone at 1-888-889-0944 ext. 915 Take that all-important step and register now. 

We look forward to spending these 2 concentrated days together focusing on helping you learn, master, and take charge of your hiring process.